Millions of people have happy relationships- why shouldn’t you?
If you have been single for a while, perhaps you have registered on an online dating site.
Or maybe you have been out with your girlfriends or mates hoping to meet someone. You got excited at first when you received a lot of messages on the online site. You even met a few people for coffee or a drink. But
they weren’t anything like you were expecting them to be. Or you may have dated a couple of them for a while.
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Millions of people have happy relationships- why shouldn’t you?[/caption]
But after knowing them for a time, you found that the information they had given wasn’t exactly true. They said they were financially stable, but then you found out they had nothing but debts. They said
they were ready for a real relationship, but they actually were still living with their ex.So you decided:Dating means disappointment
Dating means hurt
Dating is hard work
you decide to take a well deserved break from dating.You fill up your life with friends, family, work and travel. –
another two years pass by.You notice
your friends are finding their special partner so you decide to dip your toe in the water of dating again.
But your
previous experience tells you that relationships cause pain.Don’t build your conclusions on a narrow field of experience.
Millions of people have happy relationships. And if some people can be blissfully happy, why shouldn’t you be?It’s true that dating involves some luck, timing, chemistry, similar goals and values. But
people fall in love everyday. So if it hasn’t happened to you yet, it means that you need to meet more people.
If you were job hunting,
you wouldn’t stop applying for positions because you hadn’t found the right position.
Our dinners will give you the opportunity to meet other singles in person in a relaxed, friendly environment. It’s time to step out, act confident and know you won’t fail.