There’s never a better time than now to let love in
01 July, 2018.
There’s never a better time than now to let love in
For singles, every day represents a defining point. Your life can be astounding, or just another day. Life can be rich with adventure, love and experience. Or, it can be mundane and predictable. This drastic contrast is the end result of our thoughts, and life choices.
Singles who have an amazing life have worked to attain it. They have spent time developing their life in the direction they wish it to travel. They have expanded their mental and physical horizons. They have maintained an attitude of curiosity and wonder and they see the glass as half full. They have spent some time doing inner work and are consciously aware.
[caption id="attachment_2407" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Singles who have an amazing life have worked to attain it[/caption]
Singles may rationalise their inaction . Our inner voices may sound very reasonable when they try to talk you out of moving out of your comfort zone. Have you noticed any of these lurking in your mind? (from Let love In by Debra Bernt)
Procastinator. I’ll start dating next month, next year when I lose weight, when I fix myself, when my kids grow up.
Worrier. I’m afraid of rejection. Online dating is dangerous.
Skeptic. There is no use in trying. There is no one out there for me. I will never meet anyone.
Judgement. .All the good men/ women are taken. It is not worth my time to try. Stay away!
Beginner. I don’t know the first thing about dating, and I am not ready to put myself out there.
When singles are lazy about improving their dating life, nothing happens. You have the ability to draw the right person to you, but this won’t happen if you don’t leave the house. Your opportunities to meet someone greatly increase when you go places that other singles frequent.
Break the cycle, there is never a better time than now to make changes in your life. Be open to new opportunities this week.
Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311

For singles, every day represents a defining point. Your life can be astounding, or just another day. Life can be rich with adventure, love and experience. Or, it can be mundane and predictable. This drastic contrast is the end result of our thoughts, and life choices.
Singles who have an amazing life have worked to attain it. They have spent time developing their life in the direction they wish it to travel. They have expanded their mental and physical horizons. They have maintained an attitude of curiosity and wonder and they see the glass as half full. They have spent some time doing inner work and are consciously aware.
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Singles may rationalise their inaction . Our inner voices may sound very reasonable when they try to talk you out of moving out of your comfort zone. Have you noticed any of these lurking in your mind? (from Let love In by Debra Bernt)
Procastinator. I’ll start dating next month, next year when I lose weight, when I fix myself, when my kids grow up.
Worrier. I’m afraid of rejection. Online dating is dangerous.
Skeptic. There is no use in trying. There is no one out there for me. I will never meet anyone.
Judgement. .All the good men/ women are taken. It is not worth my time to try. Stay away!
Beginner. I don’t know the first thing about dating, and I am not ready to put myself out there.
When singles are lazy about improving their dating life, nothing happens. You have the ability to draw the right person to you, but this won’t happen if you don’t leave the house. Your opportunities to meet someone greatly increase when you go places that other singles frequent.
Break the cycle, there is never a better time than now to make changes in your life. Be open to new opportunities this week.
Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311

PUBLISHED IN: Relationships
TAGGED UNDER: finding love, There’s never a better time than now to let love in, meet single women, Table for Six, singles dinners, Singles, A Table for Six, dating, new relationships