Have you decided you are not dating right now?
10 February, 2014.

What happened to those dreams?
Life inevitably sends us knocks. And then fear and doubt chip away at our dreams until they're reduced to memories and wishes that might have been.
There are always choices. Every day we are sent opportunities, but we don't always recognise them.
There is always a choice of which path to take. Take the same path you are familiar with and know what to expect. Or another path that is unknown and may be uncomfortable.
There's no right or wrong. But to never try something new or different is to play small and to rob life of the excitement of changes and challenges.
Anything that we do for the first time can be scary or difficult. It can never be as scary once you have faced your fears. One thing that we don't think about is that there's only one first time.
Every time we take a step out of our comfort zone to do something we haven't done before, we always learn more than we expected to.
How do I know if I am taking the easy road? How do I know if I am choosing not to date right now?
Do you regularly do any of these activities to meet singles?
- go to the niche places where you could meet singles. Join clubs, take classes, volunteer or do any of the things that would put singles in front of you?
- start conversations or say a friendly "Hi" to people you meet as you go about your daily life?
- attend social events to increase your chances of meeting someone new?
- plan some social events with your friends and see who shows up. Make it clear new people are welcome?
- accept every invitation to a party, wedding or gathering you are given?
- attend community groups that services other people with a similar interests?
- talk to people in your local coffee shop?
Without trying some new places to meet singles, you have decided you are not dating at the moment.
When we venture to places we have never been before, doing something we haven't done before, our experience of the world expands. Usually we learn a lot more about ourselves and how we have been holding ourselves back.
Our A Table for Six dinners are a great way to meet singles, make friends or meet a partner. Explore new opportunities and make your dreams come true.
"Opportunity dances with those on the dance floor." -- Anonymous
Margaret Newitt
1300 88 53 11
Lic no 3338670
PUBLISHED IN: dating optimism, A Table For Six
TAGGED UNDER: happiness, positive people, Table for Six, believe in yourself, Singles, new relationships, love, finding love, A Table for Six, dating, Relationships