What sort of people will I meet at dinner?

By Margaret, 08 August, 2016.
What sort of people will I meet at dinner?

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It’s a famous question and it’s asked often.

It is exactly the same I question I would ask if I was inquiring about becoming a member of a Singles group!

What exactly is it that they are looking for? We all know there’s plenty of singles out there who we wouldn’t want to spend out time with. Lately, I’ve been asking more questions of the people who do join our members. What exactly is it that they are looking for?

[caption id="attachment_2134" align="aligncenter" width="300"]What sort of people will I meet at dinner? What sort of people will I meet at dinner?[/caption]

Here are some of the answers they have given.
They hate Singles who lie about wanting a real, long term relationship.

They need opportunities to meet Singles in an environment where there’s no pressure and it’s all about having fun and making new connections first.

They crave meeting people and having that feeling of “Ah, these people really get me.”

They haven’t been able to figure out where to find all the decent Singles who have dealt with their baggage and have an open heart.

They struggle to deal with Singles who just want to be able to tick off their list of requirements.

They secretly yearn to meet someone who makes the journey seem like the time is right, the place is right and the connection is definitely right.

They are looking for their new best friend.

They want to have that special connection with a partner who treats them with love and kindness, expressed through kind thoughts, loving words and kind actions.

They are totally over spending weekends alone, going to bars, internet dating or meeting people with no manners or consideration.

They are totally into positive, pro-active people and having lots of amazing stories to tell when they are 90.

They are ready right now for new beginnings in dating, creating new friendships and opportunities for romance and love.

These are the answers I will give from now on when new Singles inquiring, ask me that famous question “What sort of people will I meet at dinner?

Do any of these resonate with you? Are there any others you would add to our list?

Is that the sort of person you are?

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Margaret Newitt
1300 885 311
Licence number 3338670

A Table for Six
