ONLINE DATING vs Meeting at our Dinners

06 October, 2022.
ONLINE DATING vs Meeting at our Dinners. Meet the best singles at A Table for Six
Would you enjoy having your dinners all organised for you? Some people find the whole process of online dating very time consuming. Going through profiles, taking the time to contact people with varying results. But a very common story I hear is that if they do finally meet someone in person for coffee, they are very often nothing like the profile or photo displayed on the online dating sites. Or else, after communicating for quite some time, when meeting, there was just no chemistry. At A Table for Six, we do all the organising of the dinners, and send the confirmation details once we have a suitable group organised. You get to just go along and enjoy meeting like minded singles .
Avoid the scammers on online dating sites Of course, unfortunately there are the stories of people who have been taken advantage of by people praying on vulnerable singles hoping to find a special someone on the Online Dating sites. One particular lady told me that even though she now knew that the person she had been communicating with for 18 months was a scammer, she was still missing his messages. He had groomed her for a long time, knowing just the right things to say to her. Luckily, she eventually had some alarm bells ringing when he continued to ask her to send more money and she reported it to police. But she had already sent a substantial amount of money to him.
Meet singles who are looking for genuine relationships, just like you The focus when attending our dinners is to go out and enjoy a fun, social evening in a relaxed environment. You should expect to enjoy chatting with other singles on a wide range of interesting topics while savouring delicious food and drinks. Because of the more relaxed group situation, everyone can relax and be themselves. Many times people have told me they met someone at dinner and had a connection, but if they had looked at a profile and photo online, they would most likely have discarded them. So many things are not definable when viewing profiles on the online dating sites. The way someone speaks, their mannerisms, their kindness and concern for others, their quirky sense of humour are only apparent when meeting in person in a relaxed situation such as our singles dinners.
Here is my favourite after-dinner recent feedback
“Can I start by saying thank you for the guidance and professional approach from membership right through to the days leading to the arranged dinner. An exciting and nervous time pre dinner but it all felt very comfortable from the time I sat down and joined such a beautiful group of people. Though I did arrived late as the traffic was very heavy due to an accident , the group where happy to wait till I arrived to order. The restaurant I’d rate a 7 , food was delicious and the atmosphere was fabulous, we all enjoyed the belly dancing. I rate my whole dining experience an 8, we where all enjoying each others company and sharing in conversation. It really felt like we’ve known each other for long time. I sat next to P and naturally engaged in more conversation as the night went on , we had so much to say and really enjoyed his company and sharing our common work industry. I wasn’t sure what to expect but if this is an indication of what’s ahead I’m even more excited for what’s planned for future dinning experiences. It shows the careful selection and the quality of people that joins A table for Six . I look forward to my next dinner .
Contact us at A Table for Six to take a step in the right direction to meet other singles looking for genuine friendships and genuine relationships.
Margaret Newitt
Mob: 0420 945 954
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PUBLISHED IN: A Table For Six, Articles, Singles Dinners
TAGGED UNDER: happiness, meet single women, Singles, dating women, dating, singles dinners, A Table for Six, finding love