New Friends, And Even New Love

By Margaret, 30 December, 2020.

I'm Margaret Newitt...

Dating can be tricky. But, if we take the pressure off and enjoy making new friends and expanding our social circle, there's no down side.
Especially at our dinners where everyone  has been ID'd and is prepared to show up to meet at a fun dinner party.

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New Friends, And Even New Love

Life events such as
*moving to another suburb or city,
*changing your work circumstances or
can isolate us from our former group of friends. Friends are an important part of a well-rounded life.

Some practical suggestions below may help you expand your social circle or to reinforce your existing friendships.

Say true to yourself. don't compromise on your own morality and behaviour just to "fit in."

Be accepting of a potential friends attitude that may vay from yours. It could be an opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to our life.

There's a very old and well known saying, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." It is still relevant and valuable guide in relationships.

Allow a new relationship/relationship to develop in it's own time. Sharing too much information too soon may drive the other person away.

Meet new people constantly. Unfortunately we are always losing some of our friends. They may be moving away, or simply moving in different circles. It's important to always be adding to your circle. so, if you haven't made any new friends lately, your circle will most likely be shrinking. Attending events or clubs where others are also interesting in making new friends and relationships makes a lot of sense.

Be a giver, not a taker Being a good listener will be a good start in making new relationships. Become someone who offers new contacts, or suggestions of other places to go.

Do some homework on the type of people you want to become closer to.  Make a list of the qualities that are important to you in a friend or partner. Yes, everyone wants someone who is intelligent and attractive. and here are some suggestions of qualities that even more important: honest, loyal, curious, reliable, interesting, giver, fun, and  ambitious. It's a great idea to keep them in mind when you are out and about meeting new people.

Our dinners recommence this Saturday 2nd January . We have a lot of new restaurants for you to enjoy.

Margaret Newitt
Mob: 0420 945 954